Author Instructions

All papers must comply with Interpartner paper template.  Please download and follow these essential guidelines when preparing your paper:

  • The submission should correspond to the Conference Topics. Otherwise, it will be declined from further consideration without review.
  • The language of the paper is English. Submissions in any other language will be rejected without review.
  • Plagiarism is strictly followed and will be checked by StrikePlagiarism. Any paper having more than 10% plagiarism will not be accepted for review.
  • The minimum length of the paper is 8 (eight) pages and the maximum length of the paper is 10 (ten) pages, including all figures, tables, and references. The papers less than 8 pages and more than 10 pages will be rejected without peer-review.
  • The title, abstract, authors, and affiliations, as well as the order of authors in the EasyChair system, should be the same as in your paper.
  • The paper should be prepared according to the following structure: 1 Introduction, 2 Literature Review, 3 Research Methodology, 4 Results, 5 Conclusions, 6 Acknowledgment (if necessary).
  • It is preferable to use ORCID for all co-authors (please visit for registration).
  • Use Title Case for the paper title, i.e. capitalizing all main words. No academic titles or descriptions of academic positions should be included in the paper.
  • Leave only one email address (corresponding author) in the paper. All communication will be realized with the corresponding author only. The corresponding author should specify the corporative e-mail only.
  • The abstract should summarize the content (goal, scientific novelty, practical value, main results, etc.) of the paper in short terms, i.e. 150-250 words.
  • Keywords cannot duplicate the words and(or) phrases from the title of the paper.
  • Use high-quality figures in your paper (at least 300 dpi).
  • The Editorial Board highly encourages you to cite up-to-date literature (2016-2020 preferable), which indexed by databases Scopus and Web of Science (peer-reviewed journals with high impact factors are preferable). The recommended References List is 15-25 literature resources. Please avoid non-English references.
  • Self-citation is allowed but no more than 10% of the reference list. This issue will be strictly monitored.

Please, pay attention that the number of co-authors is limited up to five persons. One person can submit two papers at the most, but only one paper as the first author.