The primary goal of the Grabchenko’s International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing
Processes (InterPartner - 2024) is to promote research and development activities, to intensify
scientific information interchange between researchers, developers, engineers, students, and
practitioners working in and around the world. The conference is an ideal platform for people
to share views, experience, and knowledge in Engineering related areas.
The working language of the conference (including conference proceedings, presentations, and
discussions) is English.
Interpartner - 2024 is under the patronage honorary chair of Conference Prof. Anatoliy
Grabchenko, Rector of Odessa Polytechnic State University Prof. Gennadii Oborsky, Rector
of National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” Prof. Yevhen Sokol, Rector
of Sumy State University Prof. Anatoliy Vasylyev.